cubetti di ghiaccio lunari[{” attribute=””>NASA’s water-scouting CubeSat, is now poised to hitch a ride to lunar orbit. Although it is not much bigger than a shoe box, Lunar IceCube’s data will have an outsized impact on lunar science.
The satellite is integrated into the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and ready to journey to the Moon as part of the uncrewed Artemis I mission, launching this year.
Lunar IceCube will orbit the Moon and use a spectrometer to investigate lunar ice. Earlier missions already revealed water ice on the Moon, but Lunar IceCube will further NASA’s knowledge about lunar ice dynamics.
Scientists are especially interested in the absorption and release of water from the regolith — the Moon’s rocky and dusty surface. With Lunar IceCube investigating this process, NASA can map these changes as they occur on the Moon.
La missione Lunar IceCube della NASA viaggerĂ sulla Luna come carico utile secondario della missione Artemis I. Credito: Goddard Space Flight Center della NASA
Lunar IceCube esaminerĂ anche l’esosfera, il volume molto sottile che ricorda l’atmosfera che circonda la Luna. Comprendendo la dinamica dell’acqua e di altri materiali sulla luna, i ricercatori saranno in grado di prevedere i cambiamenti stagionali nel ghiaccio lunare che potrebbero influenzare il suo utilizzo come risorsa in futuro.
Tutto questo verrĂ dall’efficiente ed economico CubeSat che pesa solo 31 libbre (14 kg). IceCube Moon è solo uno dei tanti Cubetti Recupera un viaggio sulla luna a bordo di Artemis I. Questi piccoli satelliti, insieme alle future missioni Artemis, aumenteranno la nostra conoscenza della vita e del lavoro sulla luna e alla fine aiuteranno a preparare gli esploratori umani a[{” attribute=””>Mars.
Lunar IceCube is funded by NASA’s Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships program, or NextSTEP, in support of NASA’s Advanced Exploration Systems Division within the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. The Lunar IceCube mission is led by Morehead State University in Morehead, Kentucky; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California; NASA’s Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation Facility in Fairmont, West Virginia; and Busek Space Propulsion and Systems in Natick, Massachusetts.
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